KANKI Corporation received certification for Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001:2004) on November 24, 2006.
KANKI Corporation is located in the central area of Namba, the commercial capital of Japan. Accordingly, we operate an environmental management system following the precept of the coexistence of business activities and environmental preservation, taking local characteristics, public welfare, and the landscape, into consideration. As a contact point for explaining our many products and services to clients, we ensure that all of our employees engage in environmentally friendly business activities while fulfilling our responsibility to the local community.
- We pledge to establish and maintain an environmental management system which conforms to ISO 14001 standards, to ascertain environmental issues, and to work toward pollution prevention and ongoing improvement.
- We comply with environment-related laws, regulations, and ordinances, as well as with other requirements with which we agree, and regularly confirm that our business activities remain aligned with the above to ensure our legal compliance.
- We will direct our business activities to ensure the development and sale of environmentally friendly products as a priority policy in our environmental management.
- We will identify and pursue environmental objectives and targets in promoting our environmental management activities and will review these annually.
- We will proactively share information with the local community, clients, and other stakeholders, maintain communication as a priority, and collaborate in environmental protection activities.
- We will make this environmental policy known to all of our employees as well as to the public.
April 1, 2018
KANKI Corporation
Etsuro Ohtsu, President and CEO
Certifying body: Intertek
Certification registration number: 11637
Effective date of certification: November 6, 2024
Initial registration date: November 24, 2006